Here, I will give the detailed information about semiconductor from very basic to a advanced level.

I will try to provide some interview questions that has been asked in different semiconductor companies.

ok, so here we go,

So, What you  need to know if you want to go into a semiconductor industries (here, my focus is on VLSI)

You should have  clear concepts of some subjects as I have disscussed below. (You can skip the advanced part if  you are a fresher).

1. Analog electronics

:  capacitor,Diode, BJT, FET, Mosfet, Oscillator, Op-amp, 555timmer

2. Digital electronics

:logic minimization, k-map,sop,pos,AOI, Adder, Substractor, Combinational and Sequential cicuits, State machine, Counters, Registers and its types, conversion of flip-flops  etc....

3. Physics of semiconductor

: Good understanding of semiconductor and its types

:Good understanding of mos capacitor with band diagram

4.  Basic VLSI

Mosfet, Cmos, voltage and transfer characteristics of Cmos, Different regions of operation of Cmos, Stick diagram etc.

5. Advance VLSI

a. static time analysis

: Setup time and hold time

: time exeptions

:false path, multicycle path etc.

b. About different  physical cells

c. latchup issue and its solution

d. Antena effect and its  solution

e. PNR flow

f. Different updated technologies used by the semiconductor companies.

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capacitor basic

Capacitor: A capacitor is a passive two terminal electronic component that stores electrical energy in an electric field . E = k*Q/r^2...